das team
truman peyote

6. Mai 2016

Fuck man.
Irgendwie, irgendwann wirds dir zu vjel.
In dem Moment steigst du aus. Also richtig aus, neben Selbsthass, Heroin und bitterem Ernst gibt es dann fucking verschissene wenige Lösungen.
Gottseidank hat manch einer bessere (wenigstens temporäre Lösungswege), als einen schnöde tiefrot-braunen, schmierigen, ekligen Blutfleck im Waschbecken seines Lebens zu hinterlassen.
Basically, life sucks
At least if you drive nearly 200 kilometers for a girl, that you have fallen in love to.
But dont be heartbroken. You are not the first one. Actually, you are not even the ten thousands one.
Maybe just people dont like you. Or girls.
Or the people you like. Or the girls you like.

And the biggest problem of all still is, i neither have any weed, not any valium, lorazepam, what ever makes you give a shit about your deep feelings.
I feel like this is unguilty. But seriously,
What does my opinion call

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